Industry News Portal
Georgia governor calls canal project ‘historic’ for Georgia
AAWA lays out vision for autonomous shipping
U.S. attempts to contain fallout from Brexit turmoil
Commentary: Maersk’s new CEO needs a bit of bravery to unlock value
ITC finds corrosion-resistant steel imports harmful to U.S. industry
Transnet sees full-year earnings, revenues increase
Maasvlakte terminals to institute paperless transfer system
AIIS: U.S. steel exports see mixed results in April
FMC reviews 5 OTI license applications
GRI Roundup: Maersk Line and CMA CGM
New Panama Canal locks handle first commercial transit
Expanded Panama Canal opens for commercial use
LATEST NEWS: Panama Canal expansion opens for business
Panama Canal expansion will affect shipping — but how?
Panama Canal expansion will affect shipping — but how?