Industry News Portal
Shippers will gain from having good carrier relationships
Investigators question outsourced inspections of sunken El Faro
Details of Panama’s first post-Panamax container terminal announced
NEWS FLASH: CMA CGM reports $100m loss in Q1
Storm data supplied to El Faro was 10 hours out of date
Shippers raise concerns over ocean liner alliances
ITC: U.S. exports from TPP to increase by $57.2b by 2032
SCFI slips for third straight week
U.S. Customs to combine targeting centers
Report: Hanjin bondholders grant debt repayment extension
TAC Index for air cargo gets lift off
Study sees shortage of ship officers worsening in coming decade
APL carbon emissions drop 45.5% since 2009
Russia to see corn production, exports surge
HCI Group takes over 13 feeder containerships