Industry News Portal
ILA endorses Biden for US president
Coronavirus leaves Europe exporters without empty containers
US imports from China crash to near-four-year low
LA-LB ports pledge to mitigate clean truck fee impact
Italys freight flows slow on COVID-19 travel restrictions
VIDEO: Full impact of coronavirus on global supply chains yet to come
LA-LB ports receiving more mega-ship calls to carry empties to Asia
Surcharges, pass-through costs hitting European shippers
COVID-19-linked capacity cuts boost India freight rates
Latest DCSA standard urges cyber preparedness
US forwarders, shippers prep for late April import surge
JOC Rankings: Slowing growth stunting USSouth America container trade
Coronavirus having minimal impact on trans-Pacific service negotiations
19,000-TEU ship call at LA-LB promises empty container relief
Truckers urge FMC to monitor COVID-19-related fees